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Convert text to formula.

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Convert text to formula.

    I am having a difficult time deriving a reference formula from another cell.
    Column A has hyperlinks to individual sheets.
    Columns B:E have references to specific cells on each respective sheet (in accordance to the sheet name [col A] that is in the same row).
    Rather than manually building the reference links that are in B:E I was hoping that I could create a formula that referenced Column A's display value as the first part of the formula. I am getting the correct text in the result cell but it is not being recognized as a formula - just as text.

    For Example:
    A10 contains a hyperlink to worksheet '4.65 Display Task' (this is both the display name and the destination without the quotes).
    B10 currently has the formula ='4.65 Display Task'!$B$1 - and this is returning the correct information from that worksheet's cell.

    I tried to replace B10 with the following so I could therefore just click & drag the formula down:
    The cell where I am entering the formula is displaying ='4.65 Display Task'!$B$1, but it is not being evaluated as a formula.

    While previewing this I am wondering if it is being regarded as text since the = sign is being called within quotes. I just tried to reference a separate cell that had an = in it to remove that first set of quotes - this did not make a difference.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Convert text to string.

    That seems to have worked.
    I was trying to work with the indirect last night a little but quickly became confused and did not get it to work.

    Thanks a lot!

  4. #4
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Convert text to formula.

    I am attmepting to convert the text in cell c1, (a1+b1)/4, to a formula. I have tried using the indirect function with no success. Any advise?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert darkyam's Avatar
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    Re: Convert text to formula.

    Please read the forum rules, particularly the one about not posting your question in another member's post. Then please start your own thread. Thanks.

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