Hi everyone.
Can you tell me is it possible to enter some info on sheet 2 which means a cell in sheet 1 automatically changes. Thats not explained very well so i have attached an example!
Hope you can help.....
Hi everyone.
Can you tell me is it possible to enter some info on sheet 2 which means a cell in sheet 1 automatically changes. Thats not explained very well so i have attached an example!
Hope you can help.....
See formulas in 'Yello' coloured cells in Sheet1 of attached file.
See if it helps u.
Cheers for the reply!
The formula works but i dont understand how it works?? Could ya explain 4 me please............
The formula says if cell G4 on sheet 2 is empty say "Bad" otherwise say "Good". You could try this formula in cell E10 on Sheet 1.....#=IF(AND('Sheet 2'!G4="X",'Sheet 2'!H4=""),"Good",IF(AND('Sheet 2'!H4="X",'Sheet 2'!G4=""),"Bad",IF(AND('Sheet 2'!G4="X",'Sheet 2'!H4="X"),"Error","")))#.
This formula whilst a little clumsy does allow for you accidentally inputting "X" in both columns G & H. If you do this, it shows "Error".
Sorry, ignore the # at the beginning and end. I was trying to wrap the formula and failed!!
Ok that makes sense, but which specific bit of the formula is saying "if cell G4 on sheet 2 is empty"??????
Thanx for that formula Bozo it works great!!
One more thing, is it possible to auto sort column E on sheet 1 so that all the bad's are at the top for example????
You could sort but I would suggest just filtering (Data, AutoFilter).
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