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workaround for exceeding 7 nested functions in Excel?

  1. #1
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    Question workaround for exceeding 7 nested functions in Excel?

    I'm new to excel but reckon it can help me do a lot of the mundane tasks i've been landed with so - I'm attempting to work out overdue invoices using IF AND function in Excel. The worksheet is one I use for work so cannot be changed - I have to work with what's there. Attached - it's quite big so I've deleeted some of it ...

    In column AA I've created a formula that looks at the current month entered in month in AA2 and then checks to see if invoices are overdue for the preceding months - trouble is there are 12 months that I need to check and the function only allows me to check 7.



    anyone got any work around or can suggest how I can do this more easily using another function? - bear in mind I have no power to change how the file is laid out!!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    You can try eliminating nested IF's by enclosing the "overdue" conditions within an OR() function....

    e.g. In AA3 of your sample sheet enter formula:

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    add extra conditions after October's condition...
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  3. #3
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    another approach is to calculate the total days overdue and use a look up table to give you months, then make a summary table from your data using either a pivot table or the sumproduct function.....

  4. #4
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    Thanks - that first one from the moderator works brilliantly.

    please delete this if it is a frivoulous use of the forum - but really wanted to thank you...

  5. #5
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcia21
    please delete this if it is a frivoulous use of the forum - but really wanted to thank you...
    No need to delete...not wasted use of the forum.

    We appreciate the feedback and your positive reply will make other users confident that the formula works so that if they have a similar problem they can apply this solution.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcia21
    I'm new to excel but reckon it can help me do a lot of the mundane tasks i've been landed with so - I'm attempting to work out overdue invoices using IF AND function in Excel. The worksheet is one I use for work so cannot be changed - I have to work with what's there. Attached - it's quite big so I've deleeted some of it ...

    In column AA I've created a formula that looks at the current month entered in month in AA2 and then checks to see if invoices are overdue for the preceding months - trouble is there are 12 months that I need to check and the function only allows me to check 7.



    anyone got any work around or can suggest how I can do this more easily using another function? - bear in mind I have no power to change how the file is laid out!!
    Use defined names.

    Try this link Nested Cells

    I know this is answered yet wanted to add another suggestion.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    My view, in general, is that if you need more than 7 IFs you're using the wrong function. Try this formula in AA3

    =IF((AND(B3>0,current_month="April")),"Due",IF( SUMPRODUCT(--(COLUMN(B3:X3)<MATCH(LEFT(current_month,3),{"Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan","Feb","Mar"},0)*2),--(MOD(COLUMN(B3:X3),2)=0),B3:X3),"Overdue","OK"))

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