There must be an easier way to accomplish what I need done. I'm trying to create a calculator that will help me get the most out of my paper by telling me the maximum number of postcards that I can print per sheet. I have to account for SLUG (the space around the sheet of paper between the edge a the printed image) because you can't print all the way to the edge. I also have to account for GUTTERS (the spaces between each postcard) because the postcards need a small gap between them for precise cutting. The slug and gutter are often (but not always) equal measurements (.25"). The formula has to determine the best way to orient the art. Suppose the sheet is 18" wide by 12" tall, and the postcard happens to be 4"x5". If the postcard is laid out wide, then I can get 3 across and 2 down for a total of 6 postcards on the sheet. However, if laid out tall I can get 4 across and 2 down, for a total of 8. I need the calculator to know which is greater.

The best I've been able to come up with is what must be an overly complex megaformula. I'll paste it below. It currently returns an "[X] x [Y]" value into the cell. I would like to also have a cell multiply [X] and [Y], which would be easy enough to do, but before I dive into an ocean of copy and paste I would like to get some feedback on how to simplify the first formula. Thanks in advance.

=IF((((ROUNDDOWN((B2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(D2+G2),0)*(ROUNDDOWN((C2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(E2+G2),0)))>(((ROUNDDOWN((B2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(E2+G2),0)))*(ROUNDDOWN((C2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(D2+G2),0))))),ROUNDDOWN((B2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(D2+G2),0)&" x "&ROUNDDOWN((C2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(E2+G2),0),ROUNDDOWN((B2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(E2+G2),0)&" x "&ROUNDDOWN((C2-(F2+(F2-G2)))/(D2+G2),0))