=IF(ISERROR(B27),"g",IF(B24>(IF(OR((OFFSET((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-1,0,1,1)),0,-1,1,1))="Quarter 1",(OFFSET((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-1,0,1,1)),0,-1,1,1))="Quarter 2",(OFFSET((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-1,0,1,1)),0,-1,1,1))="Quarter 3",(OFFSET((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-1,0,1,1)),0,-1,1,1))="Quater 4"))),((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-2,0,1,1))),((OFFSET((INDEX(B8:B23,MATCH(9.99999E+307,B8:B23,1),1)),-1,0,1,1))),"g","r")
Abit more scarey than it actually is. I have a column of data which refers to:
Jan value
Feb value
Mar value
Quarter 1 value
And so on until AP12. That formula is designed to not compare the, for example, AP4 result with Quarter 1 result. I am fairly positive that this formula is correct in terms of brackets. But it will not let me complete it.
Can anyone here run an eye over it and firstly laugh, secondly suggest a fix, or thirdly suggest a better way to do it (without scripts)