
I am trying to do the following

I have a set of variable names (i.e., text strings), which are embedded amongst other text in a large number of rows (i.e., in a range). I need to find the row number in the range where each variable name occurs.

To illustrate

I have might have two variables, called "Variable 1" and "Variable 2".

The range of rows with text might look like this:

random text random text
random text random text
random textVariable 1
[blank row]
random text random text random text
random text random text
[blank row]
[blank row]
random text random text
random Variable2text random text

In this range, Variable 1 occurs in row number 3, and Variable 2 occurs in row number 10 (but in other instances my variables could be in other rows) (also note that the range is a single column).

What formula can I use to pull out the row number information for each of my variables? I have tried to use a combination of "find" and "match" functions, but suspect I may need to enter these into an array formula of some kind? Any help on this would be great.
