If you source list begins in Cell A1....
Try something like this:
D1: Variable 1
This formula directly calculates the rownumber of the
cell containing "Variable 1", even if it's embedded in a sentence:
E1: =MATCH("*"&D1&"*",A:A,0)
Otherwise, if your list is further down the column and other non-list items, may be above/below the list...
perhaps this:
D1: Variable 1
E1: =MATCH("*"&D1&"*",$A$3:$A$20,0)+ROW($A$3)-1
Note: There is no error checking in those formulas. If the search text doesn't exist in one of the cells, the formula returns #N/A.
These are the more robust versions of those formulas:
E1: =IF(COUNT(MATCH("*"&D1&"*",A:A,0)),MATCH("*"&D1&"*",A:A,0),"no match")
E1: =IF(COUNT(MATCH("*"&D1&"*",$A$3:$A$20,0)),MATCH("*"&D1&"*",$A$3:$A$20,0)+ROW($A$3)-1,"no match")
Does that help?