Hi all,

I have a list of terms to put together and what I have is a master list of 6 concatenate functions and I need to link them to all the different words in my list.
The first word in collumn A needs to be with the function in D1, the second word (A2) needs to be with D2, then A3 with D1, and A4 also with D1, while A5 with D6, etc.
It looks something like this:
for your info...I have put numbers in the adjacent cell corresponding to which of the 6 concatenate functions need to go into the cell in collumn C

So in reality all I need is a function that would rearrange my list of 6 functions from Collumn D into collumn C based on the numbers 1-6 I have in collumn B


(attached is an example to better see what im talking about. Disregard that the concatenate functions are not working...it doesnt matter right now.)

I hope that makes sense it is a bit hard to explain but let me know if you don't quite understand.