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equate Text values to numbers for addition.

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Guest equate Text values to numbers... 12-06-2007, 02:14 PM
Ron Coderre Want to equate Text values to... 12-06-2007, 02:27 PM
shg Unsure of the OP's intent,... 12-06-2007, 02:30 PM
Guest Excellent---That was so quick... 12-06-2007, 02:37 PM
Ron Coderre SUMPRODUCT function 12-06-2007, 03:31 PM
Guest Thanx a lot 12-07-2007, 02:46 PM
  1. #1

    equate Text values to numbers for addition.

    There are three values in the Dropdown a
    1) Default blank value. (Always a "0")
    2) Yes. (Depending on selction under which column)
    3) No. (Always a "0")
    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy exclusively then the answer in total should be 26,

    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy and (Ross or TJX) then the answer in total should be 26 +8,

    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy and (Ross & TJX) then the answer in total should be 26+8+8,

    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy and (Target or Walmart) then the answer in total should be 26+4+4,

    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy and (Target & Walmart) then the answer in total should be 26+8+8,

    There are different probabilities depending on the selction of "Yes" and the answer in the Total should reflect and add only to that...

    Hope I have been able to expalin well with the call-outs..

    Thanx in anticipation..

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Ron Coderre's Avatar
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    Want to equate Text values to numbers for addition.

    See if this example does what you want...

    With these values in A1:E2
    Old Navy	Ross	TJX	Target	Walmart
    26	8	8	4	4
    Various Yes/No combinations under those values.
    This formula assigns values to the Yes responses:
    F3: =SUMPRODUCT(($A3:$E3="yes")*$A$2:$E$2)
    Is that something you can work with?
    Former Microsoft MVP - Excel (2006 - 2015)
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Unsure of the OP's intent, but that doesn't work for
    If "Yes" is selected under Old Navy and (Target & Walmart) then the answer in total should be 26+8+8,

  4. #4

    Smile Excellent---That was so quick and compact...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Coderre
    See if this example does what you want...

    With these values in A1:E2
    Old Navy	Ross	TJX	Target	Walmart
    26	8	8	4	4
    Various Yes/No combinations under those values.
    This formula assigns values to the Yes responses:
    F3: =SUMPRODUCT(($A3:$E3="yes")*$A$2:$E$2)
    Is that something you can work with?

    Excellent..! You are my man...Ron Coddere

    Can u please explain the code...I have attached the file for others who also can make use of this excellent piece of code....

    SUMPRODUCT is really a unique funtion but have not absorbed it so well to use it too often...

    If u have any good examples of when it can be used it would be wonderful to have a look...

    Thanx once again..
    Last edited by all4excel; 12-06-2007 at 02:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Ron Coderre's Avatar
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    SUMPRODUCT function

    Wow! I hardly know where to begin. I devote an hour to SUMPRODUCT in
    the "Excel for Financial Analysts" class I teach...and it usually runs into
    overtime. Why? Because SUMPRODUCT is Excel's "duct tape" function....it
    works when practically nothing else will.

    First, see SUMPRODUCT in Excel Help.

    Basically, that function multiplies two or more same sized ranges
    ...then, sums the resulting products.

    A1:B3 contains these values
    4 7
    5 8
    6 9

    If you wanted to multiply Col_A x Col_B, you'd get:
    4 7 =28
    5 8 =40
    6 9 =54

    The sum of those products is: 122

    The SUMPRODUCT function, in this form, does exactly that:

    It also works in this form:

    Now, here's the fun part....You can put Boolean Expressions (fancy term for
    TRUE/FALSE expressions) in the function to apply criteria to what's actually

    For instance, if we only wanted to add Col_B items where the corresponding
    Col_A item is greater than 4...we could use this 2nd form of the function:

    Each comparison of A1:A3 to 4 results in TRUE or FALSE.
    Which Excel converts to 1 and 0, respectively, when multiplying.

    So the source ranges become:
    0 7 =0
    1 8 =8
    1 9 =9

    And the SUMPRODUCT is: 17....(0x7+1x8+1x9)

    For more information about SUMPRODUCT than you'd ever want to know
    ...see this link:

    I hope that helps.

  6. #6

    Question Thanx a lot

    Thanx a lot Ron Coddere I wish I cud attend one of your valuable classes..

    Its not that i dont know SUMPRODUCT at all but i dont know what all it can do..because of its varied uses.

    As hardly is mentioned in MS Excel help, you really cannot think it to be as an alternative to beat other functions as its not well-propagated.
    Last edited by all4excel; 12-07-2007 at 02:50 PM.

  7. #7

    Lightbulb Slight twist in the requirement..

    Was really not sure whether to start a new thread or not?

    I got the answer RON by using SUMPRODUCT.

    However, in the earlier case there were three options
    1. BLANK - SCORE -0
    3. NO- SCORE-0

    Now , I have the stores which have been given "A","B","C","D" AND "E" for different parameters.

    The point allocations is as follows:
    A B C D E
    10 8 6 4 2

    Sr.No Store Name Old Navy Ross TJX Target Walmart Total
    1 abc A B C D A 28

    Now these options are in the form of a drop-down, when i select "A" then the total should reflect 10 which is happening however when I select any alpahabet more than once it adds the score only once.

    formula [ =SUMPRODUCT(($C2:$G2=$K$1:$O$2)*$K$2:$O$2) ]

    $K$1:$O$2 -- contains the list..
    A B C D E
    10 8 6 4 2

    can u suggest a solution?
    Last edited by all4excel; 12-08-2007 at 11:58 AM.

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