I have a timesheet I was able to create with the help of this forum. I have a little gliche that I was wondering if there is a solution for.
If a person works overtime, and uses a benefit on the last day of the week, the overtime splits wrong.
Currently, it will split the vacation or sick, whichever benefit is used, and put part of that into OT. (You will see what I mean by the example attached).
Is there a way to make it so that if any benefit is used (such as Vacation, Sick, Hoiday or Funeral) that those hours will remain in the regular column, and the overtime gets allocated to the account codes used prior to the benefit?
In the example attached, the VAC should be 8 hours regular, and the code above it, 6721 should be 32 hours regular time, 6 hours of OT.
Since so many employees tend to use a benefit on a Friday, this happens everytime there is OT and we have to redo the sheet. I was hoping there was a better solution.
Thank you for your help!