Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and to the world of advanced calculation in Excel. So my question may be run of the mill but please bear with me.
I have a spreadsheet that has a list defined (Insert->Name->Define). The list is called 'ExpenseCodes'. The purpose of this list is to catergorise the differrent expenses that I have in a month. As you can see in the attached workbook. I have listed a few expenses and a few categories in the 'ExpenseCodes' list.
Now my question is this. How would I be able, without having to sort the list of expenses, calculate the totals for each category? For Example. In my list, I have made 3 expenses that fall under the 100 category, 2 under 205 and so on. I want to know, if possible, how to create a formulae that will search thru a column, find a specific value, and when it finds that value, add the amount in the column next to it, and eventually give me a grand total.
The totals for each category should end up being
100 = 100019
205 = 425
200 = 5000
215 = 200
Thank you for your help in advance.