I'm sure this is up here somewhere but I'm trying to build a spreedsheet that details hard drive usage. I'll upload what I have so far, but I have 3 sheets inside the workbook, summary, disktotals, server1.
My thought process was enter in the data into the server1 sheet, then use a funtion on the summary page such as "=(server1!b2)" to display that data. Then when the next month comes around, I would be able to insert a new line infront of last months data (in sense a new row 2) and not have to make any changes on the summary page and have the updated data displayed.
The problem comes when I go to insert a new line into Server1, my formula changes on the summary page from b2 to b3 (to accomidate the new line added).
Is there a way to lock down that summary page so that the forumulas wont change when I make changes with the other sheets? In sense always pull data from Server1!b2, not the data that origionally was associated with it.
Current workbook with forumulas and data attached or available for download at:
Any help would be much appriciated!