I am having trouble coming up with a formula that doesn't need to be changed each month depending on the positive/negative answer in a row. Below are total lines from an Income Statement. Column B is budget total - Column C is current year actual - Column D is dollars variance (C-B) - Column E is the variance percentage.
If you have spent more than budgeted Column D and E should be be negative answers. If you have spent less - postive answers in D and E. Look what happens though when you have two negative number - row 15 and 17
The formula in Column E is as follows:
As you can see row A12 gives a #VALUE! error - it would work fine if I took out the - (negative sign) before the IF statement. If I do that as standard practice, no negative sign in column E, the rest of the numbers are presenting themselves incorrectly. The signs are reversed.
Can anyone shed any light on this problem for me. Any insight would be much appreciated.