I have a questions for all out there.
I have Excel 2007. I am doing bills on one of my worksheets, I have it doing all the totals when I enter in a bill. What I would like to see if this option is even there is when I put in bills and it totals up everything for the month when it hits a certain number like lets say $3000.00 is a average I spend in bills a month and this month I spent $3100.00 is there a way it can alert me with a change to the cell of a color? IE change from Yellow to Red. Also if I'm under this $3000.00 limit a month changes again from Yellow to a light blue( Don't have to be those colors, just the first to pop in my head). Like I said I don't know if this is a far off thought or if I'm just looking to hard to get the answer! Sorry if it seems real hard to understand what I am asking, kinda hard to explain I think.
Thanks in advance for all the help!!