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Appending a colums from 2nd list based on match of company name

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Appending a colums from 2nd list based on match of company name


    I have a list of company data….

    Company A Dec-17-2003 1614.5
    Company B Nov-26-2003 399
    Company C Oct-30-2003 798
    Company D Mar-20-2003 399
    Company E Jan-28-2004 600
    Company F Sep-06-2002 700
    Company G Mar-13-2003 138
    Company H Feb-15-2005 42.55
    Company I Feb-28-2006 2000
    Company J Jan-21-2004 300
    Company K Nov-28-2003 1600
    Company L May-15-2002 399
    Company M Oct-20-2006 495
    Company N Dec-10-2002 695

    And a list of the companies and a reference ID….

    Company A A6UJ9A000FBB
    Company B A6UJ9A0005X5
    Company C A6UJ9A000FDX
    Company D A6UJ9A000F18
    Company E A6UJ9A000F0K

    DOWN TO ....

    Company Z A6UJ7A000J2K

    From these I would like to append the reference code to the data for companies that occur in list one. As there are many more companies in the second list it is not possible to do this through sorting.

    Any thoughts on which functions to use for this?

    Many thanks, James

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Mississauga, CANADA
    MS-Off Ver
    You can use Vlookup()



    where A2 houses the company name in List 1 and Sheet2!A1:B100 houses the List 2 items.

    This will match and pull the item from the 2nd column in List 2.
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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