Let's say I give a test in a class every day for ten days and record the scores of everyone who takes it on a different sheet in a workbook. So I wind up with a workbook with ten sheets, each with the same format: names in column A and test scores in column B. But the list isn't sorted the same way on each tab, and the elements may not even be exactly the same (for example, if some students were absent on certain days).
Now I want to add another sheet where I list all the students in column A and add a formula in column B that calculates the average score for each one, regardless of how many times they took the test. So I need to look up the name on each sheet, take the corresponding test score, and then average them.
Does anyone know a way to do this in a single formula?
If not, would it make a difference if I was looking for a simpler calculation, like just the total score for each student instead of the average?