I have stumbled upon a brick wall and can't progress any further. Basically, I have a sheet with two date columns. The first date column is entered manually and the second date column performs a vlookup from a separate sheet with two sets of dates. I want the result of the vlookup to be compared to the date in the static column one. If the date is earlier than column one I want to perform a second vlookup from the table and return the date in the next column. In a nutshell, the table of data that the vlookup is looking for, has an early date and a late date and depending on what static date is displayed on column one, sheet one, depicts whether an early or late date is returned into column two. I am probably making this out to sound way more complicated that it really is to somebody with Excel experience. I hope somebody can help me out on this one, as it's driving me nuts.
Many thanks,