I am looking to create a seperate page that contains all the formulas used within a workbook. The reason I would like to do this is becasue I have about 9 pages of which four are pulled from a database and the others are to track changes between the months. During this, I have a bunch of formulas that compares the changed data to that within the database.
The problem comes when someone deletes a row. All the formulas go haywire. I solved this by writing a macro to copy down all formulas from the first row. Now The new problem, why I am looking to do this, is someone has deleted the top row and hence copied invalid reference formulas down.
I put all the formulas into a new sheet and created a macro to copy the formulas from the formula sheet to each cell and then copy down, but the formulas are adjusting themselves based on position eventhough I am using $
I have thought about locking the cells but then maintenance on the tracking of items is very hard - you cannot delete items that are no longer valid.
Note: The copy down is necessary because the number of rows is never the same.
Rersolution - I am looking for a way to copy the formula from one page to another, within a macro, exactly as is.