Hello again,
I'd like to make my spreadsheet a little more complex....
Now that I can make a "yes" and "no" drop down box, and thanks to NBVC I have the formula I need, here is my next question:
Is there any way to make the remainder of a row conditional on an earlier response. So, building on my previous example, in column C1-C72 the user has the option to choose either "yes" or "no". So let's say the heading of column C is "Do you like ice cream". The heading for column D is "What flavors". I don't want the user to be able to input any data in column D if they answered "no" in column C. That way I can figure out what % of people like ice cream and the % of what people prefered a specific flavor of ice cream and hopefully limit the chance that the user will put in data in the wrong field. Does that make any sense?
Again, any help would be wonderful.
Kind regards,