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data validation question

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  1. #1
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    Thanks! Works perfectly. I can't thank you enough for your help and quick response...

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    You're welcome!
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  3. #3
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    New question

    Hello again,

    I'd like to make my spreadsheet a little more complex....

    Now that I can make a "yes" and "no" drop down box, and thanks to NBVC I have the formula I need, here is my next question:

    Is there any way to make the remainder of a row conditional on an earlier response. So, building on my previous example, in column C1-C72 the user has the option to choose either "yes" or "no". So let's say the heading of column C is "Do you like ice cream". The heading for column D is "What flavors". I don't want the user to be able to input any data in column D if they answered "no" in column C. That way I can figure out what % of people like ice cream and the % of what people prefered a specific flavor of ice cream and hopefully limit the chance that the user will put in data in the wrong field. Does that make any sense?

    Again, any help would be wonderful.

    Kind regards,

  4. #4
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    You can use data validation for that too!

    select the range next to the range that has the yes/no dropdown.

    let's say as in your first example, this range is D1:D27.

    After selecting the range go to Data|Validation and choose Custom from the Allow menu. In the formula field enter: =C1="yes"

    where C1 is the top most cell in the yes/no range.

    Now if the user selects "no" in C1 and tries to type something in D2, he will get an error message.....

    Note: this error message is editable to your taste via the other tabs in the Data Validation dialogue box.

  5. #5
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    NBVC, you're my Excel hero! Thank you again! Two last questions...well until I think of the next one.

    First, if a person enters "yes" in cell C1 (which will allow input in D1), can I make D1 a drop down box as well, or am i only allowed 1 data validation per cell. It would be very helpful if I could make C1 a dropdown "yes or no" and then let D1 be a dropdown box be "strawberry, rocky road, other" (i don't want them to be able to put in Mint)...see what I mean?

    Second, the spreadsheet I'm creating will have varied data from month to month (I'm making a spreadsheet to track if cancer patients go on a clinical trial or not). The number of patients the office sees varies from month to month. What'd I'd like is the totals to be on the last line on the sheet and what I'd like to avoid is 'X' amount of blank lines before getting to the totals. For instance:

    In January we saw 50 patients and 15 of them went on a clinical trial. So, I can use your handy formula on lines 51 and 52. If in Feb the office sees 30 patients, I'd rather not have 20 blank lines before it gets to the totals. March we saw 65 patients, I'd rather not reformat that spreadsheet from month to month.

    Does what I'm asking make sense? Is it possible?
    Last edited by sous2817; 05-31-2007 at 10:34 PM.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Without getting into some VBA macros to find the last row and insert formula, you can't do that too easily.

    My suggestion would be to insert a row at the top of the sheet and place the formulas there that will summarize your data.

    My previous formula(s) could be ammended to consider entire columns,

    e.g. =COUNTIF($C:$C,"yes")/COUNTA($C:$C)

    will count all yeses in column C and divided by number of cells containing any values in column C.... you would just subtract, from the divisor, the number of rows at top that contain headings, etc. so that you only account for the rows containing yes or no entries.

  7. #7
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    Thanks again NBVC, that makes sense. Just keep all the formulas in the top of the sheet...I should have thought of that...I was busy editing my previous post adding another question. I'm not sure if you saw it, so I'll repost it here:

    if a person enters "yes" in cell C1 (which will allow input in D1), can I make D1 a drop down box as well, or am i only allowed 1 data validation per cell. It would be very helpful if I could make C1 a dropdown "yes or no" and then let D1 be a dropdown box be "strawberry, rocky road, other" (i don't want them to be able to put in Mint)...see what I mean?

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