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It sounds like you could use named ranges.
If you are sure that the user will put their headers in row 1, then
MATCH("Throttle Position (SAE) %",DataLogged!$1:$1,0) will return the column number of that header.
=OFFSET(DataLogged!$A$1,0,MATCH("Throttle Position (SAE) %",DataLogged!$1:$1,0),1000,1) will be the top 1000 cells in the Throttle Postion column.
If you Insert Menu - Name... - Define...
refers to: =OFFSET(DataLogged!$A$1,0,MATCH("Throttle Position (SAE) %",DataLogged!$1:$1,0),1000,1)
The name Throttle will always refer to the appropriate column.