I am working on a school project and need to know how to complete a time in time out worksheet. here is what some of the problem says..."It helps to know thta tie time of day is stored internally as a decimal fraction from 0-.999. Midnight (12:00am) is stored as 0. Noon (12:00pm) is stored as 0.5 as it represents half a day. In similar fashion 6:00am and 6:00 pm are stored as .25 and .75 respectively. You can compute the elapsed time between two values by subtracting the the starting time from the ending time. The result is the fraction of a day that has elapsed which is then voncerted to the elapsed time in hours by multiplying by 24."
Employee: Ginny Hourly Rate: $12.50
Day Time In Time Out Hours
Monday 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
Tuesday 1:00 PM 6:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 PM 6:00 PM
Friday 12:00 PM 6:00 PM
Total Hours
can anybody provide me with some insight? thanks!!!!!!!!!