I use XP professional Operating System and Excel 2003

I am referencing a cell in order to change the background color of a row of cells if the number in column B is = to the number in a specific cell.

The formula used in the conditional formatting is =$B73=$B$10

The reference cell $B$10 contains the following formula

=INT(MAX('Assumptions & Inputs'!F8:F9))

The conditional formatting worked fine when I used that formula.

I had to change the formula in cell $B$10 so that it would meet a new criteria. When I did that the conditional formatting would not change the color of the row.

The new formula that I put in the reference cell $B$10 is

='Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$8+MAX('Assumptions & Inputs'!$F$8-'Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$8,'Assumptions & Inputs'!$F$9-'Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$9)

How do I make the conditional formatting work?