I've distributed 500 surveys to a community regarding parks and recreation.
Soon we'll be getting them back and I'll need to tabulate over 150 questions manually.
This may seem simple but it's past my Excel skill or knowledge - help would most greatly be appreciated. (btw I really appreciate this forum)
As I read the physical survey I want to click on Excel the response (like a button) and it keeps a running tabulation of each element.
Apple Orchards Yes 6 No 2 Unsure 1
Flower Show Yes 3 No 5 Unsure 0
Movies Yes 4 No 4 Unsure 0
Ocean/Beach Yes 1 No 2 Unsure 6
Strawberry Banke Yes 5 No 3 Unsure 0
Summer Theatre Yes 2 No 4 Unsure 0
Water Park Yes 0 No 0 Unsure 9
Thanks for help....