I am try to predict targets for a month for jobs that fail
example : -
every day a random amount of jobs are completed on our system (volume) some fail (failures) we calculate from these volumes percentages that represent traffic lights set at certain percentages.
1,So if there are no failures we show the conditional format colour green on the cell showing the calculated percentage.
2, if 10% of the current volume fail we show that cell as yellow.
3, if 30% of the current volume fail it goes red
thats ok but i am trying to calculate the volume we can fail by in each catergorgy before it rolls over into the next section.
So each day the volume increases x amount can fail and we use the formula to get the percentage.
a b c d e f
Expected Minimum Total Failed count Total
Jobs 95.50% 90.50% 42 1 97.62%
=(D31-E31)/D31 (formaul is in f)
so how many more fails can i get before i pass the expected 95.50% and then how many before the Minimum of 90.50%. i have manully change the figures "e" to 2 and 4 to get the results but i want a formula to predict these because the volume is constantly changing.