I was wondering if I might be able to get some help here. I have a problem kicking my butt for days now and I can't figure it out. Here it is:

I have a workbook containing a master worksheet and an additional worksheet to tally certain records from the master. I am using an array formula to do this but I can not get it to work when I try to define a whole column instead of a range.

This works:

{=SUM(IF('District Master'!E4:E216="Woodwinds",IF('District Master'!H4:H216="V-VI",IF('District Master'!D4:D216="S",1,0))))}

This gives me a #NUM error:

{=SUM(IF('District Master'!E:E="Woodwinds",IF('District Master'!H:H="V-VI",IF('District Master'!D:D="S",1,0))))}

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated by myself and the hairs I haven't pulled out yet!
