I don't know if this is even possible... it's going to be pretty hard to explain. I have a combo box that is tied to a range of cells... but this list changes, based on the contents of another combo box. The list shows the people that are out for a particular department. The user can click the department combo box and select a different department, which will change the list, which changes what they view when they click on the first combo box that I mentioned.
Right now the combo box that lists the people out works fine, except that there are a lot of blank spots between people. So my goal is to get rid of those blank spots.
Is there a way for Column B to show only the contents of Column A that are not blank? If there is then I could tie the combo box to Column B and my problem would be solved.
Please let me know if you have a solution to this problem, or if this even makes sense... Thanks!