Wow, that works great, thank you very much!
Now for a different question that is possibly even more complicated...
So now I can tell if someone required more than 1 attempt to pass the exam, etc. etc. What if I want to know how many people were in each range of marks (i.e. 0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, 76%-100%). The problem with this is that I don't want to get too many columns of cells, so I'm just putting all the marks in one column for each person.So for John SMITH (2 tests), the marks might have been 40% and 80% and for Jane SMITH (just 1 test), the mark might have been 95%.
So the table might look a bit like
Name Pass/Fail Test Percent Correct
John FP 40%, 80%
Jane P 95%
Is there a way to tell for all total tests, what percentage of tests were in each mark range? Thanks again for your help!