I've been trying to work out the difference between two different ways of entering array formulas. I've been looking at the example on this web page
that tells you how to make a formula to relist a set of items without the blank cells in between.
It's an array formula and you have to enter the formula in the first cell by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Then you have to select the cell with the formula and the cells directly below it, go to Edit->Fill->Down to get the array formula in to all the cells. Fair enough.
But I also thought that if you entered the first cell with the formula, highlighted the cell and the cells directly below it (as above), then press F2, and then Ctrl+Shift+Enter it would do exactly the same thing. For some reason the formula gives a completely different result.
I thought they were both the same method to insert array formulas that return multiple results. The cells look as though they have the same formula in them. So my question,
What is the difference between these two techniques for entering array formulas?
Many thanks,
Stephen B