This is a problem I've been trying to work out...and I am currently at my wit's end.
This may be a little murky but I'll try to make it as clear as possible (feel free to ask for clarification on any of it if you think you could help).
I've got two tabs of and Excel sheet "Data" and "Summary".
The Data tab contains 4 columns:
A - a shipment date (mm/dd/yy)
B - a return date (or current date if not returned yet - also mm/dd/yy)
C - a calculation of months in the "field" as a function of MONTH B-A
D - if the shipment was returned, the # months in the field from column C, otherwise blank
Each row is a separate shipment, and there's lots of them!
The Summary tab also contains 4 columns:
A - the first date of every month (mm/dd/yy)
B - a calculation (count) of shipments for the month starting with date listed in A from all the shipments in Data-A
C (this is what I need help with) - need a formula to calculate the count of all occurences in Data-D that fall between 0 and 2 (returns within 2 months of shipment) for that month (as specified in Summary-A)
D (also need help witht his one) - similar to C above, but a count of returns within 3-12 months for that same month
Is there a worksheet function that can accomplish this?
I'd like to avoid using macro's or pivot tables.