My boss is having an ongoing problem that I frankly can't explain.
Occasionally - and I have yet to find any consistancy - when he opens a
Workbook that I created, he gets a "Circular Message" error. Excel points him
to a cell that's plainly not a C.R. - all it does is point to the value of
another cell on a different tab, and THAT cell just has a plain vanilla value
in it.

This problem, seemingly, only occurs if he opens my file when he has another
workbook open. And when I say "another" I don't mean one specific other file
- it could be one of any. Opening those files by themselves don't create a
C.R., and opening my file by itself doesn't create an error.

I've already checked, and in none of the cases have the two workbooks shared
common tab names, named ranges, etc.

As an added bonus, I can't for the life of me get the problem to occur on my
own computer.

My boss is really getting on my case to "fix it", but for the life of me I
can't figure out where to even look.
Hmm...they have the Internet on COMPUTERS now!