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SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

  1. #1

    SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    Column A = Each day's date for this year
    Column Q = Each day's production goal.

    I am trying to come up with a cell that will look at today's date and sum
    the production goal figures between today and the 1st of the month.

    I'm thinking I need to summarize the production goals prior to the 1st, then
    subtract that figure from the YTD figure.


  2. #2

    RE: SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    "irvine79" wrote:

    > Column A = Each day's date for this year
    > Column Q = Each day's production goal.
    > I am trying to come up with a cell that will look at today's date and sum
    > the production goal figures between today and the 1st of the month.
    > I'm thinking I need to summarize the production goals prior to the 1st, then
    > subtract that figure from the YTD figure.
    > Thanks!

  3. #3

    RE: SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    Figured it out, I just had to subtract the cummulative annual figure prior to
    the first of the month from the total annual figure to date.

    the formula:


    "irvine79" wrote:

    > Column A = Each day's date for this year
    > Column Q = Each day's production goal.
    > I am trying to come up with a cell that will look at today's date and sum
    > the production goal figures between today and the 1st of the month.
    > I'm thinking I need to summarize the production goals prior to the 1st, then
    > subtract that figure from the YTD figure.
    > Thanks!

  4. #4

    RE: SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    You've basically got it right... something like
    =sumif(a:a,"<="&today(),q:q)-sumif(a:a,"<"&(today()-day(today()+1),q:q). The
    logic is add up all the goals for today or earlier, and subtract all the
    goals from prior to this month. today()-day(today()) gets you the last day
    of the prior month, so adding one gets you the first day of this month. If
    you're interested in a particular date other than today, just change today()
    in the formula to a cell containing the date of interest.

    "irvine79" wrote:

    > Column A = Each day's date for this year
    > Column Q = Each day's production goal.
    > I am trying to come up with a cell that will look at today's date and sum
    > the production goal figures between today and the 1st of the month.
    > I'm thinking I need to summarize the production goals prior to the 1st, then
    > subtract that figure from the YTD figure.
    > Thanks!

  5. #5
    Sandy Mann

    Re: SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    For the total to date this month try:


    This is an array formula so it must be entered with Crtl + Shift + Enter not
    just a simple Enter


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland

    Replace@mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

    "irvine79" <irvine79@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Column A = Each day's date for this year
    > Column Q = Each day's production goal.
    > I am trying to come up with a cell that will look at today's date and sum
    > the production goal figures between today and the 1st of the month.
    > I'm thinking I need to summarize the production goals prior to the 1st,
    > then
    > subtract that figure from the YTD figure.
    > Thanks!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    ....or you could do the same with SUMPRODUCT....


  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Formula for granting salary increase


    I have to give a salry increase for 'X'person

    Cell A - Amount to be given

    I have to distribute this amount in
    1. Basic
    2. HRA (calculated@25%basic)
    3. Provident Fund (calculated at 12% basic)

    Please provide a formula

  8. #8
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Hi Ashley,

    normally you'd start a new thread for an unrealted query.....

    can you give an example?

    What is basic equal to?

  9. #9
    Sandy Mann

    Re: SUMIF within date range as a function of today()'s date

    "daddylonglegs" <daddylonglegs.2c4k43_1154878207.9263@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > ...or you could do the same with SUMPRODUCT....
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(A3:A262<=TODAY()),--(A3:A262>TODAY()-DAY(TODAY())),Q3:Q262)

    Yes good thinking. I started trying SUMPRODUCT() but I was fixated on the
    MONTH() function.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland

    Replace@mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

    "daddylonglegs" <daddylonglegs.2c4k43_1154878207.9263@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > ...or you could do the same with SUMPRODUCT....
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(A3:A262<=TODAY()),--(A3:A262>TODAY()-DAY(TODAY())),Q3:Q262)
    > --
    > daddylonglegs
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > daddylonglegs's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30486
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=568750

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