Just use =Class_6 in the DVD
Bob Phillips
(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)
"Graham Haughs" <gmh54@supanet.com> wrote in message
> I have a named dynamic range Class_6 which holds the dynamic range
> =OFFSET(Data!$F$2,0,0,COUNTA(Data!$F:$F),1)
> I create a data validation list and put the location as =INDIRECT(B11)
> In cell B11 is the value Class_6
> When I try to enter =indirect(B11) in the data validation I get the
> message "The source currently evaluates to an error"
> I can get the indirect to work with a named list but not with a dynamic
> range list. Am I doing something wrong or will it not do this. I value
> any help.
> Kind regards,
> Graham Haughs
> Turriff
> Scotland