I have a column of data that is formatted with general text in yymmdd format,
and for the purposes of a formula, I need it to represent in date format of
mm/dd/yy. I have tried formatting the column, using datevalue, edate,
selecting the column and converting the text to column, and no matter what I
do it seems to skew the end resulting dates way off from what they should be,
for example, the first row is 680126, and I need it to appear as 01/26/1968,
but when I attempt to reformat, or perform any modification on the cell, it
throws the value to 02/12/62?? And in the formula line it shows 2/12/3762.
Can anyone help with this please? The column in question has over 1300 lines
in it, and I don't want to have to rekey the dates.