Let's break it apart, shall we:
The COUNTIF function is counting the number of cells between B(row) and
O(row) that are equal to zero.
The COUNTBLANK function is counting the number of cells that are blank.
Counts the number of non-blank cells.
SUM($B6:$O6) - totals the values entered in B(row)-O(row)
You should be able to put it together from here.
"Tara H" wrote:
> I haven't had any luck with my previous query, so I did some trial and error,
> and produced a formula that gives me quite a nice graph that shows what I
> want. The problem is, I can't explain why.
> My data is in columns B to O, and in the fourteen columns to the right of
> that I have entered:
> =(1-(COUNTIF(B6:$O6,0)+COUNTBLANK(B6:$O6))/(COUNTA(B6:$O6)+COUNTBLANK(B6:$O6)))*SUM($B6:$O6)
> If I fill this across and down and produce a line graph of the results, it
> shows very clearly who is producing well and who isn't, but I can't present
> it without being able to tell what it does.
> I hope someone can give me a word or definition for what's happening here -
> if there's a simple function that will do the same or similar for me, even
> better!