I need to take a column of dates starting from Jan 1 of the current year to Dec 31 of the current year (cells from A2 to A366) and assign each week of that list by the function WEEKNUM and assign it to a dynamic range name.
I just don't have the Excel experience to know the best way or what the most efficient options are.
I know I can use the function OFFSET to help, but I'm not sure how to work the "reference" argument dynamically. For a static example Week1=OFFSET(A2,7,1) Week2=OFFEST(A9,6,1) Week3=OFFEST(A16,6,1)etc. works statically for the year 2006, but for the year 2007 Week1=OFFSET(A2,6,1) Week2=OFFSET(A8,7,1) Week3=OFFSET(A15,7,1) etc.
From year to year I need the WEEKNUM to dynamically reference the correct range of cells associated with it's WEEKNUM.
Ultimately I am using these dynamic range names to sum values in cells that contain daily sales figures in each department so I can reference week to week each year.