I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this case.

I have a programme for inputting dates of any works that has started and completed including a duration and defect.

However in this programme there are two tabs, 1= Master, 2= Duration & Defect,


In Column K5 Duration – any number to input
In Column L5 Defect - any number to input

In Column T5 Duration – any number to input
In Column U5 Defect - any number to input

(Bear in the mind, there may have N.W.R (no work require) or D/C (disclaimer) in either or on it own or both kitchen and bathroom)


Kitchen & Bathroom
D4 Duration
H4 Defect

Kitchen Only
J4 Duration
N4 Defect

Bathroom Only
P4 Duration
T4 Defect.

I require formulas/functions to help me to make this work:

TAB 1 = MASTER both kitchen and bathroom works has been completed, and have duration and defect on both then all the information goes to TAB 2= DURATION& DEFECT, kitchen & bathroom = D4 Duration and H4 Defect.

If in TAB 1= MASTER , N.W.R or D/C in Kitchen but work completed in the bathroom, then all the information goes to TAB 2 DURATION& DEFECT, Bathroom only P4 Duration and T4 Defect.

The same as above if kitchen work only and N.W.R or D/C on bathroom then goes to Kitchen only in TAB 2 TAB 2 DURATION& DEFECT, J4 Duration and N4 Defect.

Make any sense to you? Let me know if this doesn't!!!

