Dim lRow as Long
Dim lColumn as Long
lRow = 10
With Worksheets(ShtName).range("C" & lRow & ":H" & lColumn)
End With
<JM.EE01@gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
> Hope someone can help me.
> I need to dynamically generate a range. The only value I know are the
> Columns (C to H); the row index is what needs to be dynamic.
> Example:
> ## - is the row index which will change from file to file.
> With Worksheets(ShtName).Range("C##:H##")
> .Merge across = True
> .Font.Bold = True
> .Font.Size = 10
> .Font.Italic = False
> .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
> .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
> .BorderAround ColorIndex:=1, Weight:=3
> .Interior.ColorIndex = 2
> End With
> If someone can help and needs more information, just drop me an email
> or reply.
> Thanks JM.EE01