Sorry if this has already been asked.
I have created a pivot table and I would like to combine multiple
fields into a single one.
Here is the dilemma I am having. My data looks like this:
Plant Geozone PH4 CPU Mix Prod Mix Volume
1918 234 2324 42.50 12 25
1918 354 1234 43.50 15 45
1918 346 3234 50 20
I would like to be able to format this data so that instead of showing
the categories separately, there is a way to show it in this format.
For example, suppose I want the highest values regardless of which
category they are from. The first value would cleary be:
Plant Geozone PH4 Volume
1918 346 1234 55
However, at this point I would like the second value to somehow show
Plant Geozone PH4 CPU Mix
1918 346 3234 50
Can this be done, and if so, what must I do to achieve this format?
Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.