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Lookup in Multiple Columns, Return Multiple Values

  1. #1

    Lookup in Multiple Columns, Return Multiple Values

    I hope it is okay to repost this question; my original post seemed hard to
    follow and poorly titled.

    I need to do a lookup that can find all instances of a value in multiple
    columns of an array, and then return all the values in the "A" column of that
    array of rows found to contain that value. For example, see the following

    A B C D
    1 Pres Sam Dot Ed
    2 SVP Dot Ed Bill
    3 VP Ed Sam Sue
    4 Dir Sue Dot Ron

    The lookup, when told to find "Sam", would return the following array of
    data (the values in column A of any rows containing "Sam"):

    If told to find "Dot", the result would be:

    So I think the formula should be entered as an array, so that one formula
    would return all the needed results.

    If necessary, I can move or copy column A to the right side of the array.

    Thanks in advance, this one has me stumped!

  2. #2

    Re: Lookup in Multiple Columns, Return Multiple Values


    A2:D5 contains the data

    F2 contains the lookup value, such as Sam

    There will only be one instance of the lookup value, such as 'Sam', in
    any row


    G2, copied down:


    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER.

    Hope this helps!

    In article <EA6A856E-3FB5-41DF-80B5-EEDAA739285B@microsoft.com>,
    andy62 <andy62@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

    > I hope it is okay to repost this question; my original post seemed hard to
    > follow and poorly titled.
    > I need to do a lookup that can find all instances of a value in multiple
    > columns of an array, and then return all the values in the "A" column of that
    > array of rows found to contain that value. For example, see the following
    > array:
    > A B C D
    > 1 Pres Sam Dot Ed
    > 2 SVP Dot Ed Bill
    > 3 VP Ed Sam Sue
    > 4 Dir Sue Dot Ron
    > The lookup, when told to find "Sam", would return the following array of
    > data (the values in column A of any rows containing "Sam"):
    > Pres
    > VP
    > If told to find "Dot", the result would be:
    > SVP
    > Dir
    > So I think the formula should be entered as an array, so that one formula
    > would return all the needed results.
    > If necessary, I can move or copy column A to the right side of the array.
    > Thanks in advance, this one has me stumped!

  3. #3

    RE: Lookup in Multiple Columns, Return Multiple Values

    One way, array entered (using Control+Shift+Enter) - if your data was in
    A1:D4, F1 contained the name you were looking for, and the formula is entered
    into H1, then:


    copy down until you get #NUM.

    Change ranges depending on where your data is.

    "andy62" wrote:

    > I hope it is okay to repost this question; my original post seemed hard to
    > follow and poorly titled.
    > I need to do a lookup that can find all instances of a value in multiple
    > columns of an array, and then return all the values in the "A" column of that
    > array of rows found to contain that value. For example, see the following
    > array:
    > A B C D
    > 1 Pres Sam Dot Ed
    > 2 SVP Dot Ed Bill
    > 3 VP Ed Sam Sue
    > 4 Dir Sue Dot Ron
    > The lookup, when told to find "Sam", would return the following array of
    > data (the values in column A of any rows containing "Sam"):
    > Pres
    > VP
    > If told to find "Dot", the result would be:
    > SVP
    > Dir
    > So I think the formula should be entered as an array, so that one formula
    > would return all the needed results.
    > If necessary, I can move or copy column A to the right side of the array.
    > Thanks in advance, this one has me stumped!

  4. #4

    Re: Lookup in Multiple Columns, Return Multiple Values

    Thank you, that worked! Not that I know how . . . .

    "Domenic" wrote:

    > Assumptions:
    > A2:D5 contains the data
    > F2 contains the lookup value, such as Sam
    > There will only be one instance of the lookup value, such as 'Sam', in
    > any row
    > Formula:
    > G2, copied down:
    > =IF(ROWS(G$2:G2)<=COUNTIF($B$2:$D$5,$F$2),INDEX(A$2:A$5,SMALL(IF($B$2:$D$
    > 5=$F$2,ROW($B$2:$D$5)-ROW($B$2)+1),ROWS(G$2:G2))),"")
    > ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER.
    > Hope this helps!
    > In article <EA6A856E-3FB5-41DF-80B5-EEDAA739285B@microsoft.com>,
    > andy62 <andy62@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
    > > I hope it is okay to repost this question; my original post seemed hard to
    > > follow and poorly titled.
    > >
    > > I need to do a lookup that can find all instances of a value in multiple
    > > columns of an array, and then return all the values in the "A" column of that
    > > array of rows found to contain that value. For example, see the following
    > > array:
    > >
    > > A B C D
    > > 1 Pres Sam Dot Ed
    > > 2 SVP Dot Ed Bill
    > > 3 VP Ed Sam Sue
    > > 4 Dir Sue Dot Ron
    > >
    > > The lookup, when told to find "Sam", would return the following array of
    > > data (the values in column A of any rows containing "Sam"):
    > > Pres
    > > VP
    > >
    > > If told to find "Dot", the result would be:
    > > SVP
    > > Dir
    > >
    > > So I think the formula should be entered as an array, so that one formula
    > > would return all the needed results.
    > >
    > > If necessary, I can move or copy column A to the right side of the array.
    > >
    > > Thanks in advance, this one has me stumped!


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