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why are the calculations incorrect in my spreadsheet?

  1. #1

    why are the calculations incorrect in my spreadsheet?

    This one's really got me confused...

    i'm using someone else's spreadsheet but for some reason this is not
    allowing me to enter formulae, it just gives me an answer of 0, even for a
    simple sum. I've checked and it doesn't look like the cells are protected at
    all . What on earth's going on?

    Can anyone help ??

  2. #2

    RE: why are the calculations incorrect in my spreadsheet?

    open a new XL.. copy a blank cell and go to your main XL "Select All" right
    click and click on "Paste Special" and then click"format" and click ok.. i
    hope it would be done

    "Peepdip" wrote:

    > This one's really got me confused...
    > i'm using someone else's spreadsheet but for some reason this is not
    > allowing me to enter formulae, it just gives me an answer of 0, even for a
    > simple sum. I've checked and it doesn't look like the cells are protected at
    > all . What on earth's going on?
    > Can anyone help ??

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