Hello all,
Great forum!!
My question is that i have a excel shreadsheet that is a list of part numbers, part name, prices and category.
I can do a sort of the spreadsheet by category and sort all data to be grouped by category and in order of part number.
I wish to create grouped headings for item to be created by the column data
Part No, Price, Part Name, Category
CBL10MM2C, $10.47, 10mm² Twin Flat, Cable
CBL10MM2CX5, $13.74, 10mm² Twin Flat (Cut), Cable
220/25GY, $2.04, 25mm PVC GY Plain Bung, Conduit
AD810T, $55.42, 10A 2pole 4.5Ka RCD/MCB Combo, Circuit Protection
Can I do a sort to create:
Part No, Price, Part Name, Category
CBL10MM2C, $10.47, 10mm² Twin Flat, Cable
CBL10MM2CX5, $13.74, 10mm² Twin Flat (Cut), Cable
220/25GY, $2.04, 25mm PVC GY Plain Bung, Conduit
Circuit Protection
AD810T, $55.42, 10A 2pole 4.5Ka RCD/MCB Combo, Circuit Protection
Like in microsoft access where you sort and give a group heading to data and then sort by item number.