....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Hope this helps!
In article <>,
gimiv <> wrote:
> I have 2 worksheets. One named Daily, one named weekly. The A columns of
> both sheets have dates. Daily has every business day (including
> holidays) and weekly has every Friday(including holidays). The B
> columns contain volume that coorelates with the dates. What I would
> like to do is take the Average values between 2 Fridays and put them
> into the weekly worksheet. I had success with the first week because I
> was only searching on one criteria, but when I tried to search between
> dates, no luck. This is the formula that worked for the first cell:
> {=AVERAGE(IF(Daily!$A$4:$A$604<=Weekly!A4,Daily!$B$4:$B$604))}
> Here is the formula I attempted the DID NOT work in calculating the
> daily average of one weeks voume.
> {=AVERAGE(IF(AND(Daily!$A$4:$A$604<=Weekly!A5,Daily!$A$4:$A$604>Weekly!A4),Dai
> ly!$B$4:$B$604))}
> Any ideas? FYI, I want to skip the blank cells(holidays) in my
> calculations.
> Thanks,
> Gimi