Hi "Bruiser",
See use of VLOOKUP you want to use False for an Exact match
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

"Bruiser" <Bruiser@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:3F42D385-A65C-4976-BF1D-F276A1AFFCB6@microsoft.com...
> Ok so basically I'm looking for an easier way to have a school timetable show
> up.
> essentially, when we are given the list of offered courses we are given both
> a timeslot code (1 through 60) and the days/times this code refers to, so i
> have a worksheet set up as so
> Column Headers: Course Code, Fall/Winter, TimeSlot, (blank), Monday,
> Tuesday, ...Friday
> And I want to be able to run possibly a script/a function in the
> Monday-Friday columns that would allow me to enter any number (between 1 and
> 60) into the TimeSlot column and have the times come up automatically in the
> corresponding day columns with the proper time showing up.
> for example ECON 390 is time slot 45, which is monday 10:00 and wednesday
> 11:30...
> I want an easy (and efficient way...by efficient i mean type out the script
> once, and then just hack away these timeslots) way to be able to input "ECON
> 390" in Course Code, "Fall" from the drop down in Fall/Winter, and then put
> "45" in Time Slot...under each day the appropriate times would show up
> without having to type anything....
> is there any way, in Excel XP or 2003 Professional edition to do this, which
> may be LESS time consuming than actually manually typing the times in?
> Thanks