Hey all,

Having a typical Monday morning here. I have what I assume is an easy question but I can't get my brain around it.

I have a range of dates (A1:A22) for which I have a value (C1:C22 actuals formula reference to B1:B22) assigned to each. This data is input each day. In D1:D22 I have a value that represents a "goal" to reach for each day. This remains constant to meet the SLA with our client.

What I would like to do is in E1:E22 is to have a formula that will determine what tomorrow's "goal" should be based on the Actuals in B if the constant in D remains the same for the remainder of the days. So, AVERAGE what actuals we have with the constant for all days except tomorrow and determine what tomorrow's goal should be to meet the AVERAGE for the total days.

Hope that is clear. Any help is much appreciated.
