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Database Functions - Strange results

  1. #1

    Database Functions - Strange results

    Cell A1 = "Red"
    Cell A2 = "Green, Red"

    When I use DCOUNTA to determine the number of "Red" occurrences, the result
    is 1 (rather than 2). Can someone explain why this happens (and a solution
    for obtaining the correct count)? Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Gary L Brown

    RE: Database Functions - Strange results

    Use a wildcard in your criteria.
    Try *Red
    Gary Brown
    If this post was helpful, please click the ''Yes'' button next to ''Was this
    Post Helpfull to you?''.

    "Bob" wrote:

    > Cell A1 = "Red"
    > Cell A2 = "Green, Red"
    > When I use DCOUNTA to determine the number of "Red" occurrences, the result
    > is 1 (rather than 2). Can someone explain why this happens (and a solution
    > for obtaining the correct count)? Thanks for the help.

  3. #3
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: Database Functions - Strange results

    That happens because the DCOUNTA function counts the number of cells
    that contain "Red" as the whole entry in the cell. That's 1.
    I don't know if there is a formula way to do what you want, but you can
    do it with the following macro. I wrote the macro assuming that your data
    is in Column A starting with A1. Also, I assumed you wanted to count all
    instances of "Red" regardless of case. Note that all instances of "red"
    will be counted even if the "red" is not a separate word. For instance,
    "redress" is one instance of "red". Post back if this does not do what you
    want. HTH Otto
    Sub CountRed()
    Dim RngColA As Range
    Dim i As Range
    Dim c As Long
    c = 0
    Set RngColA = Range("A1", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    For Each i In RngColA
    If InStr(UCase(i.Value), "RED") > 0 Then c = c + 1
    Next i
    MsgBox c
    End Sub
    "Bob" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Cell A1 = "Red"
    > Cell A2 = "Green, Red"
    > When I use DCOUNTA to determine the number of "Red" occurrences, the
    > result
    > is 1 (rather than 2). Can someone explain why this happens (and a
    > solution
    > for obtaining the correct count)? Thanks for the help.

  4. #4

    RE: Database Functions - Strange results

    That did the trick! Thanks!!!

    "Gary L Brown" wrote:

    > Use a wildcard in your criteria.
    > Try *Red
    > HTH,
    > --
    > Gary Brown
    > gary_brown@ge_NOSPAM.com
    > If this post was helpful, please click the ''Yes'' button next to ''Was this
    > Post Helpfull to you?''.
    > "Bob" wrote:
    > > Cell A1 = "Red"
    > > Cell A2 = "Green, Red"
    > >
    > > When I use DCOUNTA to determine the number of "Red" occurrences, the result
    > > is 1 (rather than 2). Can someone explain why this happens (and a solution
    > > for obtaining the correct count)? Thanks for the help.

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