Here's the formula that I copied from a previous workbook that worked just
fine. I copied it into a new workbook, and it doesn't work. As far as I can
tell, all the files are in the same place, nothing has been renamed or moved
or changed. Any suggestions as to why this isn't working in a new workbook:

=VLOOKUP(I2,'C:\Document and settings\k.smith\My Documents\ABCD\ABCD
Reporting\[VENDOR PRODUCT LINES LIST.XLS]Product Lines'!$A$1:$C$492,3,FALSE)

When I copy it into a new workbook, a dialog box comes up that says "Update
Values: Vendor Product Lines List.xls. Clicking on that workbook doesn't
work, nor does cancelling out. In the cell it reads "#N/A"

Thanks for any help you can provide.