Hi, i need to sum the values in a table based on a name match in COLUMN
B and a text match in ROW 4 - say for each occurrence of "Jim Smith" in
range B7:B505,when "text" appears in range E4:GC4, SUM all cells which
will contain number values-

so if:-
text1 text2 text3 text1
Jim Smith 3 6 2 4
Sue Brown 1 5 1 7
Mark Bosman 2 9 3 6
Jim Smith 5 4 2 3

the result would have to be '15'. There are many columns and rows so it
must be efficient. I have tried various nested statements and SUMIF
using OFFSET but must be able to specify the conditions in context of
whole table and I cannot figure this out - looks like a long night

thank you in advance, nelly