i want the cell to check 3 worksheets from another workbook and return S, FI
or PI depending on which sheet it is on, have the following but know its
wrong, cannot fine tune. thanks anyone
=IF(VLOOKUP(A4,'C:\Documents and Settings\Gillian Mason\My
Documents\MDA\[copy 2Share
Recommendations.xls]Stocks'!$B$10:$D$413,S,IF(VLOOKUP(A4,'C:\Documents and
Settings\Gillian Mason\My Documents\MDA\[copy 2Share
Recommendations.xls]Income Securities'!$B$10:$D$413,FI,
IF(VLOOKUP(A4,'C:\Documents and Settings\Gillian Mason\My Documents\MDA\[copy
2Share Recommendations.xls]Property & Infrastructure'!$B$10:$D$413,PI,))))))