I've got some data and I need something like vlookup. I've got a spreadsheet that I can't change which has the following info:
Col A --- Col B
area ---- plunger diameter
0.01 ---- 60
0.022 --- 120
0.072 --- 400
0.18 ---- 1000
0.45 ---- 2500
0.72 ---- 4000
I need to return a value for the size of plunger needed given a certain area.
However, vlookup returns the value on the same row, i.e. if I have an area of 0.015 it returns 60. What I actually need is that for up to 0.01 it returns 60, then for up to 0.022 it returns 120 etc.
I'm sure there's a really simple way of doing it. Currently the only way I've found to do it is a load of nested IF statements (and if the data needs extending this can get messy). Is there any way of using vlookup or something similar.
Thanks in advance.